1. 心不散乱就是定
Tranquility comes when the mind concentrates
2. 过去的留不住,未来的难预测,守住现在,当下即是
The past is gone. The future is unpredictable. All we have is now. Make great use of it.
3. 不要小看自己,因为人有无限的可能
Don't make light of oneself because everyone has limitless potential.
4. 凡事知足就会,海阔天空少烦恼
Practice being content, your world will become worry free
5. 只要坐得正,做的诚
Be proper and sincere
regardless of how others malign us,
it is a chance to improve our characters even more
6. 知识是用心体会,才能变成自己的智慧
Only when knowledge is thoughtfully absorbed, can it become your own wisdom
7. 能善用时间的人,必能掌握自己努力的方向
If you can make good use of time, you will surely go where you want to go
8. 为其尊重自己的人,才更勇于缩小自己
Only when you respect yourself , can you have the courage to humble yourself
9. 并非有钱就是快乐,问心无愧心最安
Having money does not always being happiness, but having a clear conscious definitely brings a peace of mind.
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