Wednesday, September 30, 2009






Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fun things during training

Audit is not a fun thing indeed. However, I can learn a lot of things during audit. I also can see a lot of different things which others maybe no change to see about it. It has a chance to release me from that job, but I choose not to release because I want to see the power plant. I think we have no change to visit a plant if we not going to work there or go with a study tour or others way. It is so excited to see about it. It is a type of motivation for me to work harder. We can know the power plant in deep and wide. We also have chance to visit the whole power plant. It is really fun for me to do this job when got this type of chance. It is no doubt that I like more on machine, robot and others physic related things compared to accounting.

An audit life is a no life version. Why I say so? It is because we got a lot of things to complete in a limited time. We need to work even we go back home or during public holiday. Sometimes, I really lazy to do it but I still need to face the reality. It is stress if we not really know how to do it and tired to find the answer due to the time consuming.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Last day before public holiday

This is a day which I think I can go back home earlier compared to this two week because this is last day already. However, I am wrong because I only back home from office at the latest time since my training. I go back home at 1am but that time still got few colleague around doing their job in that particular floor. Is this type of work is called audit life? I still struggled to pursuit myself to become an auditor after I graduate. Am I made the right decision? Can I suitable myself into this type of job?

For an intern, I know I can actually choose whether I want to do it or not. Why I choose something different from others? I stay because I want to know what I done wrong and I do not know the way back to drive back home. Sometimes, I really think that why I so weak. A simple way also cannot remember and really scare when I get lost especially when the car run out petrol. Maybe do not have so much confident about myself. Ganbatte.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Is my memory lost or it really happened to me? Why my t-shirt missing? The t-shirt is not so beautiful and just a normal shirt design by one of the activities in my university life. Am I misplaced it or I forgot to wash it? However, I really cannot believe my bad memory. Therefore, this fact cannot be verified.

Is someone took it? Is the Pj area so dangerous? I can believe if underwear is missing but it hard to believe that the reason why a normal black color t-shirt is missing. Can someone tell me the fact? Why this can happen to me? I do not want to care about this because is not valuable but just cannot believe this will be a fact. Haiz. I really had nothing to say about this.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Is it a nightmare or fun?

I think I should change my blog to English version to train my lousy English language but sometimes it quite difficult to express the feeling. I will try my best to do so. I already had my training for 3 months. Is it fun? It can say so because I had learned a lot of things. However, this is my first time work during the weekend. It maybe spoiled my rest time but when think others way round, it can be different because I really learn a lot. For the first time, I feel the real stress of the working life. I had the first working experience to work day and night. It could be a nightmare of the overload work for me or it could be a new challenge for me to train myself. Why it could be overload? In real fact, the work is not much and just because of the slow processing of the work. The slow processing of the work is because I take a long time to understand what I should do for that job. Therefore, I should treat it as a challenge to increase my own ability to adapt to the real life of auditor. I must use to the real environment when come out to work. So, it should be a new challenge for me but not a nightmare to me. I will try my best to get all this things done.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

路是人走出来的,这是真的吗?明知道那条路难走,为什么还要去走呢?想问自己为什么,心中却好像没有 一个肯定的答案。就好像明明知道这段路有pasar malam会塞车,为什么不走另外一条更好走的路呢?又不是远很多,为何有的选择的时候,还是选择一条难走的?固执还是想挑战自我,这一切真的不知道是些什么。

明明知道会计的生涯是no life的,还是去选择。往往的并不是觉得长时间的工作不好,而是一旦你努力把一样一点头绪都没有的东西做好时,却才知道这一切一切都是错误的,浪费了那么多的时间是很无谓吗?可能这还不是最惨的。知道了错就能改,不知道错反而更加的痛苦。就好像我们读书,如果整本书我们知道我们那一面不会,我们就能专学那一面,可是如果说不知道哪里不会的话,能做什么呢?在一个缺乏时间的时候,需要怎么开始呢?不知道自己不会哪里的时候,对我来说是最痛苦的,虽然两种可能性都曾发生过,一是什么都是熟能生巧了,二却是一片空白,什么都不会,因为当什么都不会的时候,怎么可能知道应该有哪里是不明白的呢?这一种痛到底是怎么的痛?更惨的是当不知道的时候,还有人问你到底不明白什么,应该怎么答才好呢?


累还是要继续,就好像今天在回家的路途中看见 一条蛇,在马路中间,我是多么的害怕把它压死,它躺在路上,可是却升了上来,短短的几秒,却能到不知所措的情况了。还好是驾车,如果走路不是惨了吗?虽然从小看蛇看到大,可是看到还是害怕的。偏僻还是抵不住心中的慌乱。学的东西跟这一切能成正比吗?学会了会有成就感,可是错了就从来,那样的无助,又能与谁相求相助呢?

Wednesday, September 09, 2009




Tuesday, September 08, 2009





回到家饿到没力了,还以为能煮,然后马上有的吃,怎么知道还没开始屋友就跟我说没有煤气了,怎么那么的祸不单行阿?要出去吃,结果却感觉到自己太差了,为什么不学好parking呢??到底能怪谁呢?side parking,简直就是惨不忍睹,自己也没有眼看了。想到明天去client的地方时还要reverse parking,也许从家里去client的地方不难,但是最难的好像是parking。只能加油好了。

Monday, September 07, 2009





Sunday, September 06, 2009


这是我第一次吃盆菜,我的manager在sg buloh请吃我们。一层一层的肉和菜,算是不错,只不过好像还蛮多肥肉的,第一次看到,真的是大开眼见。整队人,10个人去吃,9个女生1个男生,不过去那天,有一个人我是不认识的,但是还是吃得愉快,有说有笑似的。



