Thursday, January 07, 2010


In my memory, I didn’t talk about my pc for a long time. The entire problems created by my pc were not a problem for me so far such as software problem or some hardware which cannot detect by my pc. Why I said so? It was because I managed to repair it if the same problem occurred again and again. However, I really not managed to do anything when my pc just gave me a black color response and some funny sounds this morning. I felt like I want to cry for it because I really did not know how to on the pc back. This problem had been happened for 3 times since last December until now, but this time was most serious one. I can’t do anything since it beyond my capability and knowledge. I not sure which hardware actually was spoil in my CPU, but I think most probability was the entire components inside the CPU also had problems.

I had hesitated for so long whether want to change my pc or not. However, this problem make me came out a decision to change my pc although I had suffer and wait for few years. I had to endure the anxiety the second when I switched on my pc every morning. I had to worry whether my pc can function well today or will bring any new problems to me. Sometimes, it really make me very disappointed as the problem always came during emergency or when I was rush something important. On the other hand, I had thanks for my pc which gave me so many chances to learn the new things and accompany me to get through my university life.


xiAn said...



pahziqi said...

